Box Tops for Education

Did you know WAS earns 10 cents for each Box Top clipped? Last year we earned over $1300 to use towards great activities and programs!

This year, the process is easier with the all-new Box Top app (available for android/iphone)

  • Shop as you normally would, then simply scan your store receipts to find participating products.
  • The app will automatically credit Walnut Avenue’s Box Tops earnings online.

Twice a year, your school will receive a check and can use that cash to buy whatever it needs!


So please download the app or if you prefer, clip your Box Tops and send them in throughout the year. Every classroom has a collection box. And that’s not all! Classes can earn cool prizes!

We even have a new Box Top Tracker Board so students can see their progress throughout the year.

Here’s more information about the Box Tops program.